刷题 | JS

【 JavaScript】

  • freecodecamp
  • 在github上翻到的这个项目 freecodecamp ,于是就开始了日常刷题..



  • 开源项目freecodecamp,刷完它!

一 . Object Oriented and Functional Programming (基础语法)

1.将JavaScript对象声明为变量。Declare JavaScript Objects as Variables
2.用函数构造JavaScript对象。Construct JavaScript Objects with Functions
3.使用构造函数函数创建对象实例。Make Instances of Objects with a Constructor Function
4.通过将参数传递给构造函数来创建惟一的对象。Make Unique Objects by Passing Parameters to our Constructor
5.使对象属性的私人。Make Object Properties Private
6.用.map迭代数组。Iterate over Arrays with .map
7.压缩数组与.reduce。Condense arrays with .reduce
8.Filter Arrays with .filter。
9.sort Arrays with .sort。
10.Reverse Arrays with .reverse
11.Concatenate Arrays with .concat
12.Split Strings with .split
13.join Strings with .join

二 .Basic Algorithm Scripting (简单实例)

1.Get Set for our Algorithm Challenges
2.Reverse a String
3.Factorialize a Number
4.Check for Palindromes
5.Find the Longest Word in a String
6.Title Case a Sentence
7.Return Largest Numbers in Arrays
8.Confirm the Ending
9.Repeat a string repeat a string
10.Truncate a string
11.Chunky Monkey Incomplete   * (这个是意外,草稿上已经写好了,然而页面直接奔溃了,进不到这个题目里面了)
12.slasher Flick
14.Falsy Bouncer
15.Seek and Destroy
16.Where do I belong
17.Caesars Cipher

